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101 self care ideas

101 Self Care Ideas to help you take care of Number 1!

Each one of these is a small step to a better wellbeing and a happier future.

Comment to let me know, if any, which you have done today?

19 thoughts on “101 self care ideas

  1. I am happiest when I’m writing regularly so I make time every day to write. I also love to color. I’ve been experimenting with different coloring techniques and I’ve also discovered mixed media art. Art helps me let go of my perfectionism and just enjoy the process of creation. No matter how much I have to do I always make sure I get a full night’s sleep and my newest goal is exercising every other day.

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  2. This is an amazing list. I do many of them regularly if not daily but there are some new ones to try. Today I am going to try closing my eyes for five minutes to give them a break and my brain chance to catch up with me.

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  3. These are great! I already do a few of these things but will certainly incorporate more! The New Year begins soon and it will be a good time to set some of these as goals maybe… 🙂

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